Artist | Illustrator | Teacher
About the artist
Helping others find their own rhythm and creative voice is what makes me tick.
I’m Marg, a creative facilitator with over 23 years of teaching experience, blending my journey through design, research, and lots of personal discovery. For me, creativity isn’t just nice to have—it’s essential—it's woven into our very DNA! It brings so much to our lives, no matter our age or ability. Yet, I know all too well the hesitation many feel about jumping in and exploring their creative expression.
I’ve been there too.
After years of focussing solely on clients’ needs as a professional illustrator, I’d forgotten how it felt to create just for myself. Losing my aged parents brought me back to art in a whole new way.
Art journaling and writing filled me with solace, purpose, and direction and held space for uninhibited creativity.
Inspired by my mum’s experience with dementia, I plunged into arts and health research. My PhD work led to creating the Drawing Memories Program, a project with heartwarming results shared around the world, from conferences and webinars to the Newcastle Herald, SBS, and more. Now, as the founder of Artintuit, I help people in aged care and beyond reconnect with creativity to bring a spark of joy, alleviate boredom, and nurture connection.

Henri Matisse

My purpose
To hold space for others to find peace and connection amidst the chaos of daily life.
Losing my husband to cancer in 2021 during the isolation of Covid lockdown brought new layers of grief, but also a fresh passion for intuitive expressive art. I’ve since moved into mixed-media work, inspired by nature, people, and the beauty in the ordinary. I even illustrated my first book recently with the lovely bestselling author Joanne Fedler!
These days, I’m running community drawing classes and leading the Arts and Minds program at Bolton Clarke Aged Care. Newcastle was home for years, but now I’m in Murwillumbah, closer to family and all set to grow a connected creative community here. My mission? To help people find peace, wonder, and a little escape from the everyday through creativity.
Based in the beautiful Northern Rivers and Bundjalung Country, NSW, the workshops provide a safe, nurturing and peaceful space to allow for personal growth.
Resilience and growth
Creativity is my fuel, whether it's teaching, grounding in the earthy goodness of gardening or dancing and singing my heart out.
I’m all about connecting people to art and helping them
tap into their creative selves.
Teaching gives me the joy of seeing others discover their talents, especially after finding my own sense of purpose through art making, after years of “serious” client work.
From sketching people in airports to rescuing stray cats, I love capturing life in all its quirks. My art helped me navigate grief and find resilience and growth, which I try to develop within my classes. And though years of playing loud music may have left me with a bit of hearing loss, I wouldn’t trade it—life’s meant to be experienced in all its highs and lows, and sometimes a little loudly!

The Formal Stuff
Here’s a quick look at my credentials and work journey. Thanks for visiting!
Margaret Rolla, a former lecturer in design and illustration at the University of Newcastle, Australia, is an accomplished graphic designer, published illustrator, and creative ageing specialist.
She holds a Bachelor’s degree with Honours in Graphic Design and a Certificate in Art and Dementia.
As the founding director of Artintuit, her business platform empowers people to discover and ignite their hidden abilities, offering a fresh approach to creativity and life.